Sunday, February 6, 2011

Carlsbad Caverns

One of my all time favorite childhood memories was going to Carlsbad Caverns! It was hard to squeeze in the stops we made, but we felt we had to take the opportunity since we were so close. There was a long walk to get to the entrance of the cave and once inside, it was a super long walk to get to the bottom. Alyssa was quite the trooper though. She only started whining at the end, but kept on walking! Once we made it to the bottom, we rode the elevator up and had lunch, then went back down to the cave to tour it. It was so nice to visit the Caverns in the off season! There was no one there!!! They said there are lines lines lines during the season! It felt like we had the place all to ourselves! Alyssa loved the bat cave even though we did not see any bats. We bought her a small bat finger puppet that she fell in love with. It was $3 and she was happy as ever. I think I will enjoy her younger years since inexpensive things make her so happy. Alyssa became a Junior Park Ranger while we were there and took an oath. So cute!

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